Shiro's World

因为创作题材 最近的生活全部陷入疯狂的故事当中 变的十分诡谲阴沉
越投入写作 思绪也越混乱像是另一种声音 另一种口吻
越接近结局 似乎越黑暗 完全不是自己的语调说着故事情节
甚至怀疑有另一个自己 同时存活在身体中
迫使我不断挣扎 那种压抑的感觉很真实

I am a novelist
Because of the subject matter. My life is recently fall into the madness of the story
Everything become very strange and gloomy
The more I concentrate in writing, the more confused my mind become
It's like another tone of voice, the nearer to the ending, the darker it will be
It's like I'm no longer telling the story with my own tone
I even suspect that there was another me, living inside my body
forcing me to struggle, the feeling of depress is so real 


她是一个交换学生 来自巴西
我想她是来自爱神的力量 她给我的爱 深深触及我的每一寸灵魂

I am falling in love…
I am falling in love…

The leading lady in the story is a university student
She is an exchange student from Brazil
Her smile is so innocent, same as for her appearance
I think she's from the power of Eros
The love she give to me had deeply touched my soul
I am falling in love…
I am falling in love…


有一天下午 发现自己跟自己开始对话了
立场的不同 我们激烈争辩
我很害怕 试着囚禁对方 直到失去声音才松手
但每一次结束 似乎又带领我进入另一种更深的体验
刺激 也沮丧

One day, I found that I'm begin a dialogue with myself
We had a intense argue because of different point of view
I'm scared, I try to imprison the another me
But each time it's end, it will appear to lead me into a deeper experience
Stimulating but also frustrating 


她愿意离开城堡 进入我的森林 让我细心的照顾她
外面下雨了 请你不要沮丧
在你不开心的同时 我双眼的泪早已流尽 这场雨是我造成的
我的难过在于你的沉默 也许目前你无法体验爱的真谛
但是请相信我 在日落之前 能听见我忠诚的回答

She willing to leave her castle and come into my forest to let me take care of her
There is raining outside, but you please do not be despair
When you're not happy, My eyes already streaming with tears at the same time
The rain is caused by me
My sadness is cause by your silence
May be now you can not experience the true meaning of love
but please believe me, Before the sunset you will hear my loyalty answer


今天的她依然继续沉睡着 像睡梦中的公主 等待王子的亲吻
我开心的为她弹奏 一起在月下慢舞 那是一个属于我们的世界
没有争吵 都是满满的祝福

Today, she keep sleeping like a princess, who waiting for a kiss from Prince
I am happy to play a song for her, dance together with her under the moonlight.
That is the world that belong to just the two of us.
No argument but full of blessings 


有一天 睡美人醒了 她说 她将要奉献自己 永远的和我在一起
成就我们之间完美的爱 我笑了 很激动的笑了
大自然的轻抚 让她的双眼更清澈 雪白的肌肤更柔软
呼吸的气息也更加芬芳 我有如接触到云朵 充分感受包围
充斥着她和大自然结合的氧气 这是一个神圣的开始

Sleeping Beauty woke up one day and said that she would sacrifice herself to be with me forever
To achieve the perfect love between us. I smile, smile with excited
Nature's stroking, make her eyes looks even more clear, skin even more softer
And the breathe is even more fragrant.
I feel like surrounded by clouds.
Flood with the air which is a combination of her and nature
This is the beginning of the sacred 


她无助的哭泣 她喜悦的眼泪 她凄凉的惨叫 她是恨我的
众神将为我们致上无限的祝福 我吞噬她的灵魂
她无助的哭泣 我拯救她的一切
她的眼无神 空洞 她脸上绽放浅浅的微笑
我们努力拼凑爱情 却没有任何一块能走到终点
只有这样 我才能完整的珍藏每一个部分的你

Her cry of helpless, her tears of joy, her screams of desolate. She is hated me
The gods will give us infinite blessings. I swallowed her soul
She crying helplessly. I save her
Her eyes without spirit, hollow. Her face blooming with shallow smile
We strive to put the love together but there is not a single piece can move to the end
Only in this way, I could completely collect every part of your 


所以 那就称另一个他为我们吧

If this is The performance of love
I willing to sacrifice everything
to achieve in your great love
That is the only one's true self
So, we shall called another her as us 


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